Global population ageing is one of the most important issues facing human societies in the early twenty-first century. In more developed regions, the proportion of older people has already surpassed that of children, and according to the UN, by 2050 one in six people in the world will be over age 65. This unprecedent transformation of age structures in the population will fundamentally alter all aspects of life as we know it, with implications for nearly all sectors of society and the economy, including labour and financial markets, the demand for goods and services, such as housing, transportation and social protection, as well as family structures and intergenerational ties. Finding solutions to the new demographic challenges, while by no means easy, is well within our capabilities.
The IESE Library has compiled some information sources to help you understand our ageing society and what sort of repercussions it could have in the coming years.
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!